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in-person event

Hosted by Soul Space Business & Lifestyle Hub

Friday 14th February 2022

 about this event

Have you got a clear idea what you desire for your business and have you mapped it out so you will recognise when you achieve it? In this session get super clear on what exactly what your business dreams are. Be taken through a visioneering process to gain clarity, delve into all senses so you will not only see it, but feel it too. Then have fun working with others as we find, cut, and stick your goals and dreams onto your very own business vision-board. You know what they say, if you can see it, you can achieve it! Then end with a Theta Guided meditation to bring in all the right beliefs to achieve your dreams to anchor in the belief, feeling and the vision together! Not to be missed!

Your host


Amelia Critchlow is artist, healer, teacher and all-round quantum reality creator!

Having trained and exhibited widely as an artist, Amelia became a qualified Coach and Theta Healer® and brings her tool-box of skills and experience into Reality Creation techniques to ensure your goals and dreams are not only dreamt, but achieved too.