‘Thinking Into Results’ Coaching Program
“If you can tell me want you want, I’ll show you how to get it” - Bob Proctor
Learn the Spiritual laws of the Universe and implement them to ‘create’ and manifest your desires with ease, speed and simplicity
We’re sparks of Divinity! In this Elite Coaching Program apply the Principles of Creating to Quantum Leap into Your Future Dream Reality
Master mindset and energetics along with the laws and get the results you desire (in any area: business, wealth, health, relationships)
Learn how to become a vibrational match to your desires + change beliefs which are keeping you stuck & giving you your current results
Employ the TIR tools to change beliefs and create dreams. You are worthy and deserving of all the love and prosperity you desire & you can have it!
what the thinking into results 6 month coaching program covers:
A Worthy Ideal
Learn How To Set & Achieve Worthy Goals
Learn the magic of how to set and achieve BIG goals; goals that truly inspire and excite you, that create a ripple effect of positive change.
We explore what you truly desire (soul calling) and teach you exactly how to achieve it with heart, soul and spirit.
The Secret Genie
Unlocking the Secret…Learn Universal Spiritual Laws (& break free from habits that create results you don’t want!)
Learn about the one idea Bob Proctor says is the most valuable & start to achieve with ease. Apply laws that guarantee exponential growth in all areas from health, wealth, happiness & prosperity
Understand how to tap-into your true potential & the science behind creating what you deserve…
The Knowing/Doing Gap
Stop Planning & Procrastinating and Start Doing
Be introduced to a powerful concept that very few understand: the cause of the gap between what we know we should do and what we actually end up doing, and learn how to close the gap.
How to get from where you are to where you want to be (do, have).
Thinking Into Results
The Trick to Staying in Charge No Matter The Circumstances…
Work with your true potential and the most effective tools you have within you and your mind to help you achieve and stay on track to manifest..
Harness your thoughts and emotions to craft your dreams into 3D reality… And avoid letting external circumstances influence you or your results. Discover the 6 Higher Human Faculties and how to use them for the highest, best and greatest good.
Your Infinite Mind & Paradigm Shifting
Learn How to Harness Your Mind & Create A Paradigm Shift to Get the Results You Want
Learn how to re-set your mind with these amazing tools and get wonderful results. Here you will really understand how your habits and behaviours – your paradigms – affect your daily life and influence the results you get..Watch as they transform into new ones that magnetise desires.
Environment Is But Our Looking Glass
Creating the Environment & Outcomes You Desire
The results you’re currently achieving in your life are a direct reflection of the image you hold of yourself.
Learn how to craft a new image/identity to match your desires and watch as you create new results to match this new image.
What and who do you wish to be?
The other 6 lessons ARE…
How To Overcome The Terror Barrier & Exchange Fear For Faith
The Power of Praxis: Aligning Your Beliefs With Your Behaviours to get results
The Magic Word & Attitude: Master Words, Thought, Feelings & Actions to Create
The Most Valuable Person: How To Be A Great Leader (Personally & Professionally) & increase your value and service
Impression of Increase: Creating Value That Returns To You Time & Time Again (Attracting Abundance Through The Art of Giving)
Magnifying The Mind: The Secret To Increasing The Power of Your Mind
**Please note: I will be including my own unique infusion of Creative Tools & Theta Healing® knowledge & more, to enrich this Program
This program includes a Masterminding group. Together we will work on individual dreams and goals, harnessing the power of collective insights, ideas and expertise from those growing and studying alongside you.
Learn how Masterminding works to access a Higher Mind & creative ideas and strategies that will support and enable you to create even greater quantum leaps in your growth and manifesting abilities.
By focusing and harnessing individual and group energy, and asking ‘the right questions’ you increase your capacity, knowledge and ability to find solutions whilst having fun along the way and benefitting from the wisdom of other souls on the same journey as you.
lifetime access to these + your own portal of resources from bob proctor’s 50+ years of mentoring. Includes:
6 Month Elite Mentorship Coaching With Amelia
Full access to Bob's No. 1 proven Success System: Thinking into Results - 12 Lessons & Portal (Life-time access)
High level teaching so you can understand The 6 Higher Human Faculties & the Key Spiritual Laws for creating
Access to both digital and printed hard copies of your Participants Guide Workbook
Included in all (TIR) Workshops
Monthly Mastermind Community (Live online)
Specialised Reading Recommendations & Material + additional audio resource recommendations
Unique creative tools & strategies to optimise & enrich the program & your results. Manifest your desires with ease, speed and joy!
Does this sound like you?
Do you feel you’re here to fulfil a deeper calling and purpose and would love to make a difference in the world?
Do you do the ‘courses’ and programs, follow the ‘methods’ & do healing, and still struggle to see consistent or exact results in your life?
Would you like to understand and learn the Spiritual laws and Principles of Creating that govern our universe (and therefore us too)?
Are you interested in being the best you can be and knowing exactly how to make dreams a reality in all areas of life for you and for others?
Do you lack and clarity and direction about what you desire? Or if you do have some idea, do you feel baffled as to how to make it happen?
Would you love mentorship, support and accountability at a deep level and you know you’re ready to COMMIT to your growth and vision?
And would you love to understand and harness the power of the mind to create (at both a conscious & sub-conscious level)?
Are you ready to work with a Coach, Mentor & Teacher who has compassion, insight, vision + strategy and who’ll support you to bring your dreams, goals & vision to life with soul & Spirit?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of these, email me (below) to book a laser coaching call to see if this is for you
I’m Amelia Critchlow, here to support you realise your dreams and goals.
Having worked with many Coaches & Mentors, working with Bob Proctor has been the most comprehensive and effective Coaching, Teaching & Mentoring I’ve received by far and I’m thrilled to be an Official ‘Thinking Into Results’ Coach.
In this program you get life-time access to your own library of resources taken from over 50 years of Bob Proctor’s dedicated learning and research.
Plus you get to work directly with me in this Elite Coaching program to craft beliefs and employ strategies to create exactly what you desire.
Bob Proctor shares the science and methodology, and by following this program you will see results - guaranteed! They are timeless principles found in many traditional wisdom traditions and cultures.
I’ve supported hundreds of amazing souls gain clarity on their passion and purpose, become more creative, leave jobs they hate, create businesses they love, find thousands in owed money, double, treble & quadruple their income, realise their value, get paid their true worth - With Coaching & Theta Healing®.
This Coaching Program is a perfect complement to Theta Healing® (a modality that shifts limiting beliefs & blocks instantly). Together with this program, you can create new paradigms and habits to create (manifest) at a rapid rate and on quantum levels.
Learn, understand and apply the TIR systems and strategies needed for growth and expansion so you can be, do and have abundance, liberty, happiness, health and prosperity at this next level.
I hold an MA & BA in Art & Design, am an Advanced Theta Healing® Practitioner & Instructor and Qualified Coach working with the leading Institute in Personal & Spiritual Development.
I work with game-changers here for personal and collective healing, growth, and prosperity creation.
If you feel the call, and you’re ready for quantum leaps into your dreams, send an email enquiry here.
You get to be the change you wish to see in the world.
“Amelia is a beautiful and gentle healer and Coach. She helped me clear beliefs around others owning my destiny, which got me stuck to continue. Amelia is a truly transformational being. It was a pleasure to work with her and experience her creative nature. Through working with Amelia - she helped me gain courage and the insight to re-create my life.”
Bilyana Georgieva
Money Mentor & Coach
“Amelia combines energy clearing work, with sound and practical business strategising. Her sessions are unique and her profound belief in the power of this work is totally contagious - if you choose to work with her those beliefs will inevitably creep over you too: it's magical and the results are amazing.”
Liz Shaw
Personal Trainer & Stress Management Consultant at Shaw Lifestyle
“Amelia is very gifted and her way to understand her client is just wonderful. I didn’t have to say a word and Amelia just said everything that needs to be said like she was reading my mind. She has a way with words and finding out the root cause - whereas you yourself may have had no clue where it was coming from. If you are still thinking whether to go for a session..don’t think, just book and go see her - she’s amazing! Thank you Amelia!”
Toma Janulyte
Yoga Instructor
“Working with Amelia is magical, like nothing I’ve done previously. Blocks are clearing all over the place, so much so that my fears and self limiting beliefs have slipped away and I bagged myself 11 (yes, ELEVEN!!) new clients last month. This month is looking to be equally as strong.
Find the time, find the funds, you won’t regret it. I’m happier than I’ve been in years, and seeing my business grow is a dream come true.”
Francine Forde
Cranial Sacral Therapist
“I highly recommend the Thinking into Results program created by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher to anyone interested in growing personally or growing their business.
If you are willing to commit at least 12 weeks to changing your life, you will literally be astounded by what you accomplish. This program is not the typical motivational hype that comes around every year or two.
This program is the result of Bob Proctor’s lifetime quest to learn more about the mind. Until we understand how our mind operates and we take the time to really think about our future, things will never change.
Using the principles of this program I have accomplished goals that I wouldn’t have dreamed possible prior to the completion of this program.
Sign up for this program and be prepared for a life altering experience!”