Hi, I’m Amelia Critchlow…
And I’m thrilled to have you in this space with me.
I’m an abundance-alchemist for the visionary soul who’s here to make a difference AND live your most abundant life…
Creating alchemy with Coaching, Theta Healing® & Business Mentoring.
I’m ready to help you claim your prosperity & freedom + create impact.
My purpose is to support you in claiming your divine birthright to fulfil your soul-purpose work, reconnect with your power, passion & higher-self - so you feel good & light up the world in the process.
I understand you, because that’s me too.
I moved away from victim-hood in order to create the life I desired.
I became an explorer of consciousness to understand how we magnetise experiences to us (consciously or unconsciously) and to remind you just how powerful YOU are in creating the reality you’d like to see…
My story….
My unique alchemical processes come from deep, fiery experiences. Raising two children alone invited me to answer how I had created that & creativity was needed to honour life-long passions & callings whilst juggling work, study and motherhood…
After obtaining a BA in Fine Art & Design + a Teaching Qualification, I funded my way through my MA in Fine Art by creating an online business and teaching art.
After experiencing some scarey health issues, I discovered the power of Naturopathy, which lead to embracing a deeply organic lifestyle + leading me to an intensive immersion in Theta Healing®.
Learning this modality and becoming a practitioner quite literally changed my life in an instant. The quantum results I experienced meant I HAD to share with this with YOU too.
Everything I had ever learnt in the spiritual and personal development worlds came together in perfect harmony with this modality.
It was then I chose to become a qualified Quantum Results Coach + Solopreneur Business Mentor for other spiritual souls ready to fulfil their passion and purpose work and be abundant in the process. Because when we’re abundant, the whole world gets to be abundant.
Visionary soul-preneurs are needed now more than ever to be the change we want to see, and create the world we’d like to live in.
I live in London, UK with my soulmate of 16 years and have seen my own daughter’s meteoric rise to international art fame claiming her own power to do what she is here to do – living her passion and purpose work as an artist and being fully abundant from what she loves doing.
Your life is here to be lived and loved to the fullest.
Are you ready to get started?
“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins”