ONE OF My top tips for heart-centred business building
so you can attract your more clients (& dream ones too!)
About Amelia
Amelia Critchlow is an MA & BA level trained Creative (Visual Art), Certified Belief & Energy Practitioner, Educator & Quantum Results Coach working with individuals to remove blocks to success and helping heart-centred solopreneur's grow a profitable lifestyle business from their passion.
Amelia is founder of Soul Space Healers and has supported hundreds of clients GET CREATIVE & such as; find their passion & purpose, leave jobs they hate, create businesses they love, find thousands in owed money, quadruple their income! Understand systems and strategies for business growth + attract more (and dream) clients.
Amelia has previously won awards for her business plans and creativity and seen as her own daughter forge a successful art career exhibiting and selling internationally.
Amelia’s goal is to support others in realising their dreams, growing a stream-lined lifestyle business, remove any self-limiting beliefs (because our results can never be greater than our concept of ourselves) and seeing those with a passion-project create positive change in the world.