8 week PASSION TO PROFIT Programme :-)


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In this 8 week Programme I will be taking you through a step-by-step system (that I use) to take your soul purpose work from passion to profit.  

Together we follow strategies to get you (and what you do) in front of your dream clients and take them from prospect into paying clients – willing to pay what you are worth.

These are your dream clients because they will recognise what you do is valuable and that you can give them the transformation they seek, whilst having the positive impact in the world you desire (because you are good at what you do and the world needs you!) :-)

This programme is for those who currently make a living from their expertise, knowledge or wisdom: coaches, consultants, advisors, creative service providers, teachers and therapists.

 On the programme we will:

-       Identify and hone your irresistible offer (your paid services that transforms your client’s lives)

-       Craft a 10 second statement - to use anywhere - so your ideal clients know they need to work with you straight away! 

-       Learn the 4 rules of writing copy that speaks directly to the heart of your dream clients (which you can replicate regularly anywhere, anytime)

-       Build a Landing Page together - 1 page site with SINGLE offer & subscriber opt-in form (using Mailchimp/Squarespace or your existing platform if you already have one)

-       Create, build and automate your 3/5 day FREE mini e-course (with Mailchimp) so your prospective clients get to know, like and trust you  

-       Access to templates, worksheets, videos (and me!) to enable you to do all of the above (and below) with ease and grace

-       Learn how to set up & use a FREE ‘Discovery Call’ Booking system so you can book in your Free Calls + learn the exact method to get people to book in with you!

-       Discover, learn and keep forever! my framework and script that turns prospects into paying clients – because they will recognise and know they need to work with you

-       I share my 12 key - & FREE - ways to get organic traffic to your course, your calls and desiring your paid services - so you don’t have to spend money on advertising!

-       Have access to our private, password protected online learning portal where all the above will be housed

You will also receive:

-       Onboarding strategy worksheet so I get to know you, where you are and what you wish to achieve

-       Fortnightly Q&A Coaching calls to ask whatever comes up for you & ‘ideas-storm’ with me in person :-)

-       Fortnightly group belief & energy work sessions so you can remove blocks & more forward quickly and easily & reach your goals

-       My ‘Daily Processes’ worksheet - that if implemented will be guaranteed to accelerate your success!

-       1 Month £1 access to my Soul Space membership portal which includes: Q&A Calls, in-person Soul Space Days (free to members), courses, bonuses & worksheets

-       Access to me throughout, to ask questions

-       LIFETIME access to our private online portal AFTER the programme has ended**

FREE BONUSES (if paying in full): 

-       Private Mini Dream Brand Audit Session with my Branding and Graphic Design specialist Floss Gibbs: understand what your branding currently says, what you want it to say & how to achieve it

-       How-To-Figure-Out-What-Your-Audience-WantsBonus module + worksheet so you can find out straight away what to provide for your ideal clients

Your Investment:

Option 1 pay-in-full: A one-off investment of £997

The value of all the above: web page designing, copy-writing support, templates and worksheets, + the belief-work & energy clearing sessions and coaching alone, is worth £1000’s but I want to keep the investment low for you as this programme is about getting clients FAST whilst keeping costs low!

 Option 22 installments of £595: First installment of £595 due at the start of the programme & 2nd installment due 4 weeks later

I love philanthropy, and supporting great causes that will see positive change. So a portion of your investment will go toward supporting this Charity: www.treesisters.org

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This programme is for you if:

  • You have a business/service that is your passion which is already having a positive impact on people’s lives (or know it will!)

  • You are ready to take your business to the next level

  • You already have Mailchimp or are willing to sign up to Mailchimp

  • You are committed and an action-taker

  • You know and appreciate that work is involved to get from where you are to where you want to be

  • You’re willing to do what it takes to get to the next level in your business

  • And you’re ready to invest  

(Please note: there is no ‘set’ time you have to rock up, as content is delivered online each Monday ready for you to access as & when you can. Live Q&A & Energy Clearing Call times will be posted in advance with replays available)

The programme is currently closed. Fill in the form below to be the first to hear when the doors are reopening (soon)!




I look forward to taking the journey with you.


** lifetime access for as long as soulspacehealers.uk exists!

*By entering your details you agree to receiving correspondence from me regarding the Passion To Profit Programme & related information (you can unsubscribe at any time)


Your Money Back Guarantee*

If you complete all the worksheets, join in every energy clearing session, participate in each live Q&A call & implement all the strategies, YOU WILL get results.

But in the unlikely case that, within 90 days, you're not 100% satisfied, I'll refund you the cost of the programme in full. *With evidence you’ve completed & implemented everything in the programme :-) Amelia.xo

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“Working with Amelia is magical, like nothing I’ve done previously. Blocks are clearing all over the place, so much so that my fears and self limiting beliefs have slipped away and I bagged myself 11 (yes, ELEVEN!!) new clients last month. This month is looking to be equally as strong.

Find the time, find the funds, you won’t regret it. I’m happier than I’ve been in years, and seeing my business grow is a dream come true.”

Francine Forde
Cranial Sacral Therapist

“Amelia combines energy clearing work, with sound and practical business strategising. Her sessions are unique and her profound belief in the power of this work is totally contagious - if you choose to work with her those beliefs will inevitably creep over you too: it's magical and the results are amazing.”

Liz Shaw
Personal Trainer & Stress Management Consultant at Shaw Lifestyle
