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Theta Healing® Advanced Course (Level 2)

  • Wimbledon Studios London SW17 (map)

Friday 10th June -Sunday 12th June 2022
IN-PERSON EVENT - limited places available!

Theta Healing® Basic DNA Course: 10th-12th June 2022

During this 3 day course discover more advanced and accelerated techniques to implement in your healings.

In this course we will go more deeply into entering the theta brainwave, learn how to release resentments, rejections and regrets, and intentionally create more clarity and awareness.

Journey to a deeper level of physical and holistic health, emotional wellbeing and spiritual activation, and become more confident with client sessions.

You will release many barriers to connecting with Source or Creator energy that could be holding back your healings.

Develop an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence. Learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and contracts that could be limiting you.

Learn new and powerful healings such as how to heal with the ‘Baby in the Womb’ and ‘Heal the Broken Soul’ exercises.

Receive many ‘downloads’ during this course including the right ‘feelings’ to create what you desire.

Upgrade your healing, enlightenment and awakening. And learn how to apply Advanced Theta Healing® techniques on yourself and others.

Deepen your connection to Source Energy/Creator and entering the Theta State in order to make even more radical and expansive changes in all areas of your life.

Understand how to connect with your higher self and imagination at a deeper level. Deepen your connection with Divine Source Energy in order to enhance and up-level your healings, readings and manifestations.

Deepen your ability to dig more deeply for hidden fears, limiting beliefs and negative feelings.

At the end of the 3 days, you will be a Certified Theta Practitioner Level 2, adding to an existing toolbox of healing skills or simply upleveling your Theta Healing® skills from Foundation to Advanced.

Prerequisite: Theta Healing® DNA Level 1 Required
This course is a prerequisite for nearly all other Theta Healing® courses.


  • Theta Healing® Manual

  • Advanced Theta Healing® Book

  • Certification: You will become a Certified Theta Healing® DNA Level 2 Practitioner able to use these skills both personally and professionally. Also for those wanting to re-qualify.

Time: 10am-4.30pm
Where: Wimbledon Studios, London, SW17
Teacher: Jennifer Sordi & hosted by Amelia Critchlow
Investment: £455

If you have any questions, please contact:

In this 3 Day Course Explore & Learn:

  • How to connect to the 7th plane and grounding

  • Advanced creation of the ‘right’ feelings to create more of what you desire

  • Deepen you understanding and abilities in scanning the body and energies of you and clients

  • Learn more advanced and faster techniques for ‘digging’ for root beliefs and fears

  • Receive many powerful downloads during this course to upgrade your life and well-being

  • Understand how to live without negative feelings

  • Develop an enhanced and advanced connection to your Higher Self to aid with healings

  • Resolve and release rejection, resentment and regret

  • Activate an in-depth understanding of the 7 Planes of Existence

  • Release negative vows, oaths, contracts within the 7th Plane to move forward

  • Learn how to connect to different planes through the 7th plane of existence

  • Learn how to connect with plants and crystals through the 7th plane

  • Learn enhanced manifesting techniques with Theta Healing®

  • Undertake ancestral readings and mediumship

  • Healing the baby in the womb

  • Healing soul wounds & retrieving soul fragments

  • Clearing beliefs and energy stuck around such as the home, business, workspace, places and land

  • Learn how to Master and bend time

  • Accessing your future and learning how to change things

  • Continue to learn and master belief work and enhance your knowledge on downloads

  • Learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge held within each plane



Jeniffer Sordi

Born in Brazil I always knew I would travel the world supporting people in overcoming their challenges.

Over the years I came to see that in order to support others, I too needed to heal myself, nurture and grow, and be at one with my sense of self in order to truly be of service to others on their journey.

Theta Healing® arrived in my life in 2018 like an explosion, transforming my life from a depressive, empty life to a complete meaningful and fulfilled existence with love and joy.

I learnt how to understand the complexity of being me, how to feel loved, secure and also capable of creating the life I dreamed of.

In 2020, the time was right, and I left my career to become a Theta Healing® instructor. A decision that awakened a new sense of purpose and wonderful sense of excitement that I was now finally supporting others in their life journey.

I am dedicated to teaching and supporting others to achieve those same feelings, dreams and goals and to create a meaningful life in complete joy and happiness

I have 9 Practitioner Courses:

  • Basic DNA

  • Advanced DNA

  • Dig Deeper

  • DNA 3

  • You And The Creator

  • You And Your Inner Circle

  • Manifesting And Abundance

  • World Relations

  • RHYTHM To A Perfect Weight

  • Intuitive Anatomy

  • Game of Life

  • Wealth Consciousness

And am an Instructor in the following Courses:

  • Basic DNA Instructors

  • Advanced DNA Instructors

  • Dig Deeper Instructors

  • You And The Creator Instructors

  • You And Your Inner Circle Instructors

  • Manifesting And Abundance Instructors

  • Rainbow Children Instructors

I look forward to meeting and working with you.

Jeni x

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