Virtual Client Attraction Workshop This Week With LIVE Q&A!
I will be sharing my top successful strategies to start attracting your ideal clients for your heart-centred business in coaching, consulting or service-based industries. For solo-preneurs on a mission to create positive change & have a profitable business!
Use these step-by-step processes to Take Your Amazing Service-based Business to Those Who Really Need You and Your Support — So You Can Create the Positive Impact You Desire + Start Building YOUR Ideal Lifestyle & Business! A Win-Win For All.
And here’s the great news….
You Only Pay $1 Now to Save Your Spot and Only Pay The Rest If You Feel It’s been of Great Value to You!
Hello beautiful soul,
Amelia here...
Working with specific energy/belief and practical strategies to find and work with my ideal clients has helped me fast-track my business to currently having lots of client bookings!
It is these strategies that I want to share with you in this virtual workshop, as I work with many heart-centred solo-preneurs and know that attracting, finding and working with the ‘right’ clients affects business in a HUGE way.
So guess what!
I’m running my first ever online VIRTUAL “Attract Your Ideal Client” workshop! Whoo hoo!
I will be sharing some of the exact same strategies that I use as well as processes I’ve been working with with some of my clients that incorporate belief & energy techniques as well as really practical promotional tools and strategies to find those you really want to work with and who really want to work with you :-)
Here are just a few who have been working with me and learning to unlock the power of these techniques to find their ideal clients in order to grow their business:
After just one Theta session with Amelia, I feel like I am motivated again to do things, I feel much happier and more confident. In the session we have managed to turn most of my subconscious beliefs around and I can truly say that I feel more powerful and less worried or scared of changes and all the other fears I had before. Plus already I have had new clients coming to my group sessions.
Toma Janulyte
Yoga Instructor
"The minute I met Amelia I knew I wanted to get to know her and that she had a lot to share.
Her workshop was wonderful. I really enjoyed combining the spiritual (belief/energy-work) work with practical and creative strategies.
Amelia provided a safe and fun space where I felt free to express myself, and share my challenges. Amelia made us all feel very special.
I strongly recommend her as a belief & energy practitioner and as a creative."
Alex Vitillo
Intuitive Healer & Matchmaker
Which is why I’m reaching out to you today.
I can’t wait to share with you - The Attract Your Ideal Client Online Workshop (& yes, we get ‘doing’ too right in the session). Aaaaannnd...
It’s better than FREE for you!
How, you ask?
Well, to get complete access to this brand-new training costs you just $1 up front.
That’s to lock in your seat and so I know you will be rocking up when we START :-)
And only after you go through the training... and only if you feel it was worth the highest value (or more! - the right tools are priceless right?!)…
Only then will you need to pay the further two instalments via PayPal when you signed up for the $1 seat and this is just two very small payments of $18.50 AFTER the event.
(Which I’m confident you will make back easily make back after the workshop because you will be attracting your new ideal clients :-).)
And! It Gets Better STILL...
There is a reason I’ve called this a “Workshop”…
Throughout this Virtual Workshop, I've set aside dedicated time to do belief & energy clearing work as well as' doing time’ that's ALL ABOUT YOU unravelling and setting forth the strategies and techniques I will be sharing :)
So we’ll be delving in, doing some clearing, and then getting busy with writing out the strategies and ideas that will help propel your business and start attracting your ideal clients…. and get the momentum going so there’s no excuse not to do it!
All while being fully supported by me with access to a LIVE Q&A chat with me to answer your questions so that you have the help you need to get going immediately...
The idea being to give you more confidence and equip you with a definite tool-kit to start attracting your ideal clients.
So why am I confident this will work for you?
Well as long as you take part in the belief and energy-clearing part and implement the other strategies and steps I share, I'm quietly confident that you will see changes in your own business and client bookings (BUT only as long as you actually DO them!). It’s like going to the gym and looking at the weights but not actually using them if you don’t implement what I will be sharing on how to attract your ideal clients.
And then... here's the best part:
If you don’t feel the training was super valuable to you - then just drop me a line at
And you’ll be charged nothing.
(I’ll even refund your $1!)
So why have I decided not to charge up front like most do?
Okay, so let me share. I have spent years following methods, strategies, taking advice, trying and testing things out and I’ve gone from a place of such pain trying to make things in my life work where things felt ‘impossible’ before and so now, I feel so passionately about sharing what has worked for me to step out of pain, frustration, and not truly knowing to now knowing, and I feel we are living in times where they best thing we can do is honour our ‘calling’ - our soul work' - and get paid for it, because this is what will see the positive changes we all crave to see in the world. I WANT to share with you - because I’m so grateful to those who shared with me.
And this is my way of ensuring you get a chance to experience the priceless value up front, from our time together.
And it gives you a chance to experience and see if this is the right fit for you without worrying about a high cost and you get to know me and what I’m about.
Does this sound fair?
Here’s what you will discover during our time together:
Instead of feeling you don’t understand why you can’t seem to find and attract enough clients or enough the right clients, you will understand what goes on and what has to be in place in order to get this right.
It’s like understanding what goes on behind closed doors and finally seeing through that door (the door of your own room that is!) Insights that will allow you to understand and really start taking the right steps with the right strategies in place. And they are soooo easy to implement. You just have to implement them ;-)
And I’d love to show you how I do this…
Throughout our 2 hours together, I’m opening the door to what I’ve been doing in order to find and work with my ideal clients — and going through and showing you the steps I’m using in my business...
And all throughout the virtual workshop, we'll be delving in and getting down to business! No excuses, right?!
Here’s Just A Taste Of What Will Be Revealed in the ‘How To Attract Your Ideal Clients’ Workshop
Belief-work strategies to find and attract your ideal clients so you can begin to build your profitable heart-centred lifestyle business
Learn over 10 strategies to 'put out there' in order to attract your ideal clients
Gain clarity about who your ideal clients are in order to attract them in the first place
Discover the one area that's often lacking (and overlooked) that stops heart-centred solopreneurs from attracting their ideal clients
How to discover the strategies and techniques that feel aligned with you so that you take that action (and finally start seeing results)
Live (in-person) energy clearings to remove beliefs that may be blocking you from attracting your ideal clients
Learn a big truth about how to attract your ideal clients in our digital day and age
Discover my TOP 3 FREE promotional strategies (+ more) that allow your clients to find you!
How to move from 'I don't have/lack' to 'I know what to do/focus on' and abundant mindset thinking
How to create an offer for your customers that's so good, they can’t say “no”…
Discover some great pricing “ideas” that attracts new buyers—without diminishing the value and worth of what you offer!...
How to cater your offers for different customers and how they 'read' your offer… so you attract even more clients and customers
I’ll be sharing with you exactly what I use
How to 'speak' to your potential clients so they know you 'get them'
A “short-and-sweet” email that turns cold leads into clients for free…
FREE Facebook strategies that will help you connect with your potential clients
How to use guarantees to keep away the noncommittal clients and attract only your ideal customers...
Ideas on how to turn your new clients into happy customers for the long run who want to come back fore more :-) ..
Attend The Training And Pay Only If You Love It… AFTER the Workshop.
YES! That’s right.
Okay, so a bit more detail about this for you….
Once you sign up today for the 2 hour workshop on How to Attract Your Ideal Clients, block at least 2.5 hours off to attend this. (It will be worth it!)
You see, I’m hosting this as a “Value in Advance” workshop.
This means you get to attend FIRST…
And check out the strategies I use to find and work with my ideal clients and get lots of client bookings.
Discover my techniques and strategies that I’m putting in place, including down-to-earth, practical promotional strategies that speak to your ideal clients in a way that means they will recognise you are the person they need to work with :-)
Then, join me in 2 hours of actual doing — where we get implement and ideas-storm these new learnings and how to get them going in YOUR business.
PLUS—take part in my LIVE Q&A at the end and get support to start implementing so you get the results faster.
And only pay for this training IF you find amazing value from our together during the workshop.
You save your spot with just $1, and then you don’t have to pay the rest until the day AFTER the event!
By signing up with the PayPal subscription, only $1 will be taken today with a further 2 payments of $18.50 scheduled afterwards, HOWEVER if you let me know by the end of the day of the workshop that you didn’t feel it was of value and you want to cancel, then you won’t be charged anything further and I’ll even refund your $1!
That’s the best part…
After the ‘Attract Your Ideal Client’ Virtual Workshop is over, you get to decide if it was worth more than $38, which is what this Online Workshop costs if you pay in instalments.
(And which you will easily make back after making your first new client contacts.)
If you feel it wasn’t a super valuable investment, simply contact me at: and let me know, and I’ll personally make sure the PayPal subscription is cancelled.
(And I’ll even refund your $1!)
This makes It 100% Safe and accessible for you to Join Me for this FIRST EVER ‘How To Attract Your Ideal Client’ Online Workshop!
Why Join me straight away…
You can register and lock in your spot on the next page when you click the button below.
And I just wanted to let you know that as this is my FIRST EVER workshop like this it’s the only time I’m guaranteeing it will be at this price.
Plus, for this one I will be doing a LIVE Q+A to ensure you get to ask me your questions at the end to support you with anything that comes up for you.
So why wait and what it may cost you to wait (and I don’t want it to cost you anything :-) )
First, the longer you wait and carry on with the guess-work and not addressing what might be blocking you the longer it will take to attract your ideal clients and build that profitable, heart-centred business that you know will change people’s lives :-)
Second, the longer you wait, I don’t want you to end up missing out altogether on this online workshop.
Because, I’ve decided to keep this event an intimate affair.
Because I will be so hands-on in the workshop, and doing a LIVE Q&A to answer your questions…
So it’s important to me that we take the best possible care of those who attend :-)
So I felt it was important to put a limit on how many people attend so that I can manage to cover everything I’ve set out to cover and get to answer your questions too.
So I only have a limited amount of seats available and want to make sure if you’re reading this now, you don’t delay and don’t miss out! + You’re guaranteed to get to ask me your questions in an intimate setting online.
So If You Decide this sounds like something that you need and you want to check it out...
I’ve removed all the obstacles — making this a totally AFFORDABLE event with amazing value...
I really, truly want to share with you a way to start creating your ideal life and business and to start having that impact you want to have as a heart-centred solo-preneur. Seriously, if you attend and it’s not right, you even get a FULL refund! That’s how passionate I feel about this work :-)
I know there is nothing better than changing people’s lives and knowing how to start creating and building what you dream of by serving the people you know you are here to serve
Whilst enjoying the profit AND lifestyle you desire.
What could be better?! It’s all about win-win for all.
So, let’s get going!
If this feels right to you and you want to join me, do claim your seat now before all the places are gone.
Especially as this is the first time I’m doing this which is one of the reasons I’m rolling it out at such a low-investment option.
So, I want to make sure you know the countdown is on! No excuses ;-)
I really look forward to seeing you there and if you have any questions, just remember you can email me at: :-)
P.S. In case you’re someone like me who just skips straight to the bottom of any letter…
Here it is in a nutshell:
YOU are getting access to my first ever ‘How to Attract Your Ideal Clients’ online 2 hour workshop for just $1 up front.
Sign up with the PayPal button on the next page for just $1 today to save your seat and so I know you will be rocking up when we START.
Then, AFTER, the event you get to be the judge. Either you will find it valuable or you won’t. And if you don’t, email me at: before the end of the day of the workshop to ask for your refund and I will cancel and refund the subscription, no questions asked!
Only AFTER you go through the training... and only if you feel it was worth hundreds, if not thousands of new income to you or more… Only then will the subscription payments go through.
This means you get the chance to experience this NEW and personal training—where I share my best client-attraction strategies and live energy & belief clearings — without paying for it first…
So, if you don’t feel the workshop was worth incredible value to you… then just drop me a line at, and you’ll be charged nothing.
(I’ll even refund your $1!)
You’ve got NOTHING to lose by giving it a try :-)
If there’s even a chance that this could completely turn things around for you by helping build your ideal business and creating your own ideal lifestyle … I hope you feel it’s worth checking out for just $1 :-)
Just click the button below, and reserve your spot for this game-changing workshop. I promise it will be worth it:
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the ‘How to Attract Your Ideal Client’ Workshop last? The workshop is intended to last for 2 hours, but do set aside about 2.5 hours for it.
When will I be charged the remaining cost of the workshop? This Workshop is only $1 USD up front via PayPal, and we'll process the remaining $37 USD in a couple of weeks after the workshop, unless you email on the SAME DAY, and let us know you didn't receive massive value.
Is there a pay up-front option? Yes! You also have the option of paying a non-refundable $27 USD up front and saving $10 USD ;-)
Will there be a replay I can watch later? Yes! Once your remaining payment has been processed, you'll be sent a replay so you can check back in on what you heard live.
What if I can't make it live to the Workshop? As this is my first ever workshop like this and as it’s a live event, it’s only available this time round on the date above, but if you join my email list here: - you will be the first to know about this and any future workshops I run.
If this time doesn’t suit, or something comes up and you can't make it, just email and I will try and sort something out for you :-)