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Soul Space Healers Top 10 Beliefs/Affirmations To Attract What You Desire & Change Your World

Remember everything starts on the inside! In order to fully manifest our desires we must first cultivate the right beliefs, mindset and heart-set on the inside.

Whether you are looking for your soulmate, starting a business or want to build a more positive mindset establishing a set of beliefs that you visit on a daily (or more) basis is a powerful tool to shift mindset and truly believe in your goals and desires until they are reality.

Here are just a few I use in my daily life to share with you. Why not try one or two of these or take some time to write a few of your own. But remember consistency and repetition are key, change will happen (but not happen overnight!)

Our Top 10 empowering beliefs/affirmations;

  • I am creator of my own reality

  • I am a being with infinite powers & I know how to use them

  • I am a magnet for miracles

  • I love my life

  • I know how to manifest all I desire

  • I am able to manifest all I desire

  • Abundance is my birthright

  • I know how to receive (love, pleasure, money, abundance)

  • I trust my intuition to guide me

  • I have all I need to create the life I desire right now

We have created a download of our Top 10 Affirmations PDF so you can take and keep these and start attracting your desires.

Looking to explore this further why not watch our Webinar on Creating Abundance.

Amelia Critchlow