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Visioning For 2025 Online Event

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Wednesday 12th February 2025
£33 (or join the Soul Space Sanctuary Monthly Membership & access for £22 here)
ONLINE EVENT via zoom. us

CLEAR & COMPLETE 2024 (& harness the wisdom & learnings)
GET CLARITY on your soul’s calling & vision for 2025
CRAFT A ROADMAP to take embodied action
STEP BOLDLY into your 2025 dreams

In this online event, join me to release & re-set patterns that have been holding you back and create a vision that inspires and empowers you to live a life aligned with your soul’s desires & deepest dreams.

A transformative event where we clear the past & take the golden nuggets of wisdom to move forward in the highest and best way and complete the past year.

We’ll then create a crystal clear vision using the Theta Healing® meditation technique.

Be guided through how to connect with your desires, truly own them and have fun building those images into a clear vision you can follow and take action on.

Gain clarity and insight about what kinds of things hold us back from creating a vision and building our dream life so you can release them and step into your future vision.

Tap into your soul’s wisdom and awaken your intuition to guide you toward your dreams

Learn how to make your dreams and visions more of a reality with fun, ease, grace and joy (and a clear picture about how).

Learn about what action-steps you can take to support your dream becoming a reality.

Connect and activate your vision in a fully embodied way (I’ll be guiding you through this).

Understand how to connect with your intuition during this meditative and creative process so you know exactly what to include in your vision.

Learn now to ‘visioneer’, and connect with your dreams at a soul-self level.

You will understand how Theta Healing® supports you in clearing beliefs that hold back dreams, whilst clearing some of those limiting beliefs about fulfilling your dream vision for your life.

You will also have tangible ‘next-step’s to stay connected to your vision & make your dreams a reality


  • Downloadable worksheets

Time: 6pm-7.30pm (GMT/UK)
Where: Online via zoom. us
Guide: Amelia Critchlow
Investment: £33 (or £22 if you join the Soul Space Sanctuary Monthly Membership here)

If you have any questions, please contact:

In this Transformative & Powerful Online Event:

  • Clear, close & complete 2024. Releasing what’s no longer needed & taking ‘wisdoms’ forward

  • Give yourself permission to dream deeply

  • Connect with your soul-self and deeply held desires as a 1st step to making them ‘real’

  • Learn how to visualise and connect fully to the image you hold of what you’d like to create (visioneering!)

  • Understand the best way to put your ideal vision together

  • Get clear on what supporting actions you can take to make your dreams a new reality

  • Identify (and clear at least 3) beliefs holding you back from realising your dreams using the Theta Healing® technique

  • Learn how to ‘hold’ the vision

  • Learn how to activate and involve all senses in creating your vision

Visioning 2025 Online Event


AMelia Critchlow

Hi, I’m Amelia,

Certified Theta Healer®, Qualified Quantum Results Coach™ & Teacher of Art (BA & MA) + Parent & Guardian to 2 Sovereign Souls.

As qualified as I may be, my biggest initiations came from experiencing deep challenges & struggles. This took me on a journey into rediscovering and reclaiming my power, purpose and abundance and healing my heart.

I journeyed into the depths of books, programs, courses, Shamanic Healing, Energy-weaving, working with ancient and indigenous wisdom so I could ‘understand’.

My first (and best) spiritual teacher was my father: a well-known Sacred Geometer where I learnt about the underlying wisdom of the natural world and Sacred Geometry (and the studio we’ll be doing this retreat in).

As I invested in myself on a greater level to heal, learn, grow and become a more powerful and courageous version of myself, I understood we all are worth it and the world benefits and it starts with creating a clear vision of what we desire!

In fact manifesting (creating) what we desire through soul-connection, self love and healing, and harnessing the wisdom all around us is our divine birthright.

This online event will give you permission to truly dream without holding back, to create a vision you feel connected to and how to move forward to activate your dream and vision coming true for 2025.


Visioning 2025 Online Event
January 25

Theta Healing® Manifesting & Abundance Course with Amelia

March 21

Theta Healing® DNA 1 (Level 1) with Amelia Critchlow