How To Tap Into Your Intuition To Become a Powerful Creator Of Your Life

How do we tap into and listen to the voice of our intuition, when we live in a world full of noise and distraction?

With never-ending ‘to-do’s’ that pull us away from a deeper connection with ourselves and our inherent wisdom, it can be challenging to stop, go within and listen with intention to our wise, inner-voice.

We are innately wise beings, connected ‘to-all-that-is’, which gives us a great sense of knowing, otherwise known as intuition.

Yet, if we don’t take time to go within, to ask and to listen and act upon our intuition, we may find we're living a life further and further aligned from our soul’s calling, our deepest desires, truth and joy.

This is when life can feel a struggle, a challenge, or things ‘aren’t going right’ - it’s because somewhere along the line we stopped listening to the wise voice of intuition within that guides us ‘home’.

Each decision we make can either bring us closer to a more soulful, joyous and expanded life, or further into misery, challenge and un-aligned living.

Decisions can be made by research, fact-finding and intellect alone, but without intuition it lacks balance, and leaves us wondering why something ‘doesn’t feel right’ even when all the ‘facts’ point in the ‘right direction’.

By tapping more fully into your intuition and trusting what it’s whispering to you, you will see you life become enriched in yet un-imaginable ways.

How to start tapping into your intuition and accessing your power:

  • Block out some dedicated time in your diary or calendar, switch off all distractions and simply ‘be’ you with yourself (if we don’t take time to go within, we can end up going without!)

  • Close your eyes and put one hand on your heart breathing deeply and connecting with your heart-centre: see it, feel it or sense it - whichever is most resonant with you

  • Consciously intend your energy to drop from your head-space into your heart-space

  • Think about something you wish to do; a decision to be made and ask your intuition and heart for guidance

  • Does your heart contract or expand at the thought of doing this step or action? Your body and heart are wise and the contraction or expansion will indicate if something is the ‘right’ thing for you to do or not

  • Take notes about what comes up for you, and avoid over-thinking. Simply jot down words and thoughts that you can refer back to to guide you to make the ‘right’ decisions and begin to harness the power of your intuitive guidance

  • Now take one small baby action-step today that aligns with the guidance your intuition gave you from above. Reflect back in your journal over time about happened as a result

Your intuition is your soul talking to you. As you develop a relationship with it and trust it more, it will speak to you more (and more clearly).

Remember: some decisions can feel tough or hard to do when you think of them, but don’t let that mis-lead you into not doing something that needs to be done.

Avoid going back into your head (intellect) to rationalise it - if the voice or feeling is there in your body, go with the first feeling.

Our intuition knows; whether we act on it or not, is totally up to us.

My invitation is to spend more time consulting with your heart when it comes to key decisions and noticing what it does or says to you.

Then take small steps and actions that align with what your heart and intuition were guiding you to do.

You will notice by taking action, whether this guidance was right.

Note: working with my Theta Healing® clients, I’ve observed some people have learnt ‘not to trust’ their intuition from past negative or sad experiences, but you can start cultivating a new relationship with your intuition.

It may be that beliefs and feelings from old past experiences need to be cleared in order to start listening to your intuitional more powerfully again and connecting more fully with your soul-self.

If you are interested in powerful energy-tools and exercises to start clearing out the old, bringing in the new, learning to trust your power, intuition and ability to create more of what you desire, you may be interested in my Quantum Creator Course here.

Soul enquiry question: what next step do I need to take in my life, and what is my intuition guiding me to do?

Feel into the answer by doing the above steps and let me know how you get on.



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