How to Cultivate Gratitude To Grow Momentum and Success in Your Business

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Gratitude could be key to the success of your soul business!

Are you someone who focuses on what goes ‘right’ or what tends to go ‘wrong’?

This will tell you a lot about the type of culture and momentum you’re creating for your heart-centred passion business.

 Are you ready to thrive and flourish in your business now?

 In this post we explore how a positive attitude of gratitude can help you grow an amazing soul-business + some top tips for you to take action today.

Sometimes we forget to be grateful (and thank) ourselves, work-team and our clients and customers in our business-building endeavors, and yet this is an essential and golden key to creating a thriving business.

When people are appreciated - and that includes appreciating and acknowledging ourselves - it cultivates feelings of satisfaction, loyalty, and positivity – all are crucial when building your heart-centred passion business.

Think about a time when someone really appreciated you, or you really showed appreciation for someone and how you or they felt? It’s a genuine ‘feel-good-factor’ for all involved.

 Giving (gratitude or anything else) generally releases more long-term feel-good endorphins than being focused on ‘getting’’.

 And showing and being grateful tells the universe: ‘more please’ and you will see more of the good things show up (I know I have in my own business!)

So how can you build an attitude of gratitude into building your business?

Below are some key ways to create this culture in your business as well as in your personal life (because you are your business as a soul-preneur and it has a ripple effect):

  • Do a weekly review of things that have GONE WELL in your business/work. List out at least 5 things you have accomplished and are grateful for. If you have team or others working for you, consider letting them know 5 good things that have gone well or ask them to share 5 things.

  • Thank your clients or customers. Make a point of thanking your clients for choosing to work with you. You can send personal cards or notes, emails or even visibly thank and acknowledge them on Social Media – I thank people for being in my space with me. I also send gifts of gratitude to each person who does my Passion To Profit Business Building Program with me and the same for my Private Coaching Clients.

  • Be the change you wish to see in the world and ensure you have an ‘attitude of gratitude’ – your frequency and vibration affects others and people will pick up on this.

  • Keep a gratitude journal! Many successful business-owners I know, keep a regular and consistent gratitude journal (consistent being a key word ;-) ) which keeps them focused on what’s going well as opposed to what’s going wrong. Be specific and do it daily. As, what you focus on grows. See this post on how to start a gratitude journal - include both your personal life AND business life there.

  • Be grateful for things in your business that ARE going well and write them down regularly, then observe how more of these things begin to appear. I’m always grateful for having clients and many more always book in with me!

  • Mindset Shift: If you’re feeling despondent about your business then you might need a ‘shift in perspective’ to create a more positive and grateful attitude EVEN when things aren’t going well, and one of the best ways to do this is through positive affirmations. We have to cultivate (be) the energy BEFORE something arrives. This is the essence of the Law of Attraction and why I bring energy-work into business building. You attract what you be.

  • Creating new positive habits of gratitude will create abundance beyond your wildest dreams. What you seek out, seeks you out and like anything, the more you do it, the more momentum (and results) you will create – habits show in people’s lives, so create good ones always.

If you’d like to be first to know when I’m next running my Passion To Profit Program for heart-centred solo and soul-preneur service providers, join the wait list here.

In love and light,



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